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In development! Monitoring & Measurement Strategy

A key component of the project is the close monitoring and data collection of existing farm performance, definition of business goals relating to these areas and development of strategies to meet these goals in conjunction with specialised advice, leading research and access to the latest technology.

The on farm activities that are underway or are being developed to achieve these include:

  • In depth analysing of current farming system and future options;

  • Monitoring of pasture and crop growth;

  • Monitoring of water use; and

  • Measuring and monitoring of other factors that drive profitability on farm, for example business management, animal management etc

The parameters and methodology to undertake this measurement on farm are being developed with our key project partner the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. Sign up to make you sure you get our next newsletter with more information.


(03) 5833 5312

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